Another month older, already?! Can it be?! You just delight us more and more every day. You favorite activities include singing with Papa, playing on the floor, taking baths and squealing and screeching. You can roll from your tummy to your back and from your back to your tummy, but you don't do it very often. Sometimes when you are on your tummy, its like you forget that you know how to roll over and you just put your head on your arm in frustration. You can do it! You already know how! You'll figure it out. If I was learning and figuring out as much as you are every day, I'd have my PhD by now! Your brain amazes me! It must be tiring learning that much. No wonder you sleep as much as you do.
When I took you to the doctor's office to get a shot (yuck), all the nurses were arguing over which one you liked the best. You have charmed them all, for sure. One of the nurses told me that her boyfriend, who happened to be at the office the last time we were there still talks about how you smiled at him. You better harness those powers and use them for good. Trust me. Even though this wasn't a normal check up, we did weigh you, albeit with your clothes on, and you weighed 13 pounds 1 ounce! Holy Moly! Thats nearly 3 pounds in a month! Which means that you have TRIPLED your birth weight! Most babies haven't doubled their birth weights by your age. I knew you'd catch up!
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