Can it be that Baby June is 6 months old, already?! We went to the doctor today for her 6 month check-up and here are her stats:
Weight- 13 pounds 14 ounces (15th percentile)
Height- 25 3/4 inches (50th percentile)
Head Circumference- 16 1/2 inches (30th percentile)
I was really excited by these measurements because at her other visits in past months, she has consistently stayed in the 3rd percentile across the board, so she is catching up, yup, yup, yup!
Life is starting to become a well-oiled (okay, perhaps thats an overstatement) machine, as we figure out a schedule that works for all of us. We are so, so blessed to be able to take turns being home with June Apple, so that she doesn't have to be in day care just yet. Amos gives me the full report every day when I come home from school of the days events: "First we did our singing, then our calisthenics, then our vocal excercises, then we rested, then we ate, then we laughed at the hilarity and absurdity of the dog, then we started all over again."
June Apple finally got the hang of rolling over from her back to her belly but has apparently forgotten how to roll from her belly to her back, a skill she had long ago mastered. So that means that I will find her face down and grunting, frustrated that she can't turn over. "You can do it, silly!!!" But alas, she need a flip.
Other new skills learned recently mastered: screeching, drinking from a cup (with a little help, using a straw, drinking from a sippy cup, strategically dribbling all the water in her mouth all over her shirt so she can cool off in the 115 degree heat, swimming with mama, rice cereal experiments, sleeping in her crib from 8pm-6am!
Skill she continues to be a genius at: being cute and hilarious.
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