Dear June Apple,
Hold Smoly! You are so old now! Well, I guess not really in the grand scheme of things. But I cannot believe its been two months since you joined us! This month you got to meet 2 of your great grandmothers, Betty and Kate. They love you and are so amazed at how spectacular you are!
You are growing and doing so wonderfully, although you are still in preemie clothes. I look at newborn sizes and they all look so big, yet I know some day soon, all your preemie clothes will look so unbelievably small.
I love sleeping next to you and feeling your warm little body. You love to be swaddled and when I unswaddle you, you stretch your arms wide wide wide, like you are trying on your bones.
You still have reflux and the doctor suggested we try and get you to sleep propped up in your bouncy seat, which is difficult because you also like to be swaddled. I end up propping you up in the crook of my arm or hip at might after you nurse and that seems to help a little. The funny thing is, all this throwing up doesn't seem to phase you one bit. It just makes for A LOT of laundry. You have thrown up in your eyes a couple times and, not surprisingly, did not not like that. Gross.
I started back to school Although I am only taking two classes, learning theory online and human development at school, I still am sorry to leave the bubble of our baby world. I take you to class with me and you pretty much sleep in the Moby wrap the entire time, except when you wake up to eat. You fart. A lot. And loudly. I've never heard a baby fart so loudly. Like a 200 pound man! One time we we were taking a quiz in class and you let one rip and then clearly and audibly pooped. The woman sitting next to me turned to me and said, " Even I feel better after that." You are so funny and you don't even know it. Everyone at school is so enamored with you. The professor get distracted by your cuteness and I don't blame her.
You smile at us and everyone remarks at what an old soul your are. I wish I could read your mind. What do you dream about?
Stats this month:
March 15, 2011 (3 months old)
weight: 7 pounds, 3 1/2 ounces
length: 21 inches
head circumference: 14 inches
Milestones: Following us with your eyes and turning your head to see us. Smiling! Holding up your head for longer and longer periods, so that you can see whats going on around you.
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