Dear June Apple,
What a crazy first month all together! You sleep all the time and we have to wake you to feed you which isn't always easy. Its seems like we've tried everything, including dancing with you and singing to you and saying "HEY!!!!!" and you just sleep, sleep, sleep. We fed you like a little bird with a tiny 5 ml dropper, even after you insisted you'd had enough of Mama's milk. But the physician's assistant was worried that you weren't eating enough, even though I knew you and I were working it out. And sure enough, you'd had enough, so when we'd feed you with the dropper ( it would take an hour to feed you an ounce) you'd thank us by throwing it all back up. And you still gained weight. Mama learned 2 important lessons this month. #1- Trust our instincts. #2- Never hold a just fed baby over a pile of just cleaned laundry.
You swim in your preemie clothes that Aunt Joey sent us. You are so, so, small. You make little squeaks, so Papa calls you our Squirrel Girl.
These weeks we've just hunkered down and started to create US. Family.
You are so amazing.
This months stats:
January 18, 2011
weight: 4 pounds, 4 ounces
length: 18 inches
head circumference: 12 1/4 inches
February 15, 2011 (1 month old!)
weight: 5 pounds, 7 1/2 ounces
length: 18.5 inches
head circumference: 13 1/2 inches
Milestones: Nursing like a champ! Making squirrel noises. First visit to a bar to hear Papa play (3 days old). Held first set of drum sticks (3 days old). First stage appearance (8 days old).
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