Amos, June Apple and I went on our first family vacation together to Long Boat Key, Florida a few weeks ago. I was really looking forward to it, so I could get a little r and r before my maternity leave ended. I had visions of all three of us, days spent lying lazily on the beach, sleeping under umbrellas for hours at a time, frolicking in the gentle waves. Nights would be spent with Juju blissfully asleep, while Amos and I dined on local seafood and drank frozen daiquiris under the stars. I brought two thick novels and a binder of work I needed to catch up on.
Within a day I understood why people bring nannies (or grandparents) on vacation.
So, it was sunny. really sunny. And hot. Hello! Its Florida! What was I expecting? Regardless of my expectations, it was so hot and sunny that I was wary of having June Apple outside for too long during the day, for fear of burning and over-heating. You can't put sunscreen on a 3 month old (you have to wait until 6 months). We spent a little bit of time under the umbrellas, but I didn't want to overheat her.
So while Amos enjoyed the above mentioned relaxing activities on the beach, we stayed inside and watched Oprah. We had a nice view though. June didn't want to nap for longer than 30 minutes in unfamiliar surroundings, which meant those novels that I dreamt of getting to sat, uncracked.

And the binder of work? Hah! At one point a few days in, I was feeling really disappointed about my unmet expectations in the face of my new reality. To that, I now say- boo hoo, welcome to parenthood. So I got over it. Because, in truth, I like the new reality- a true FAMILY vacation. Maybe not as relaxing, but fun none-the-less.
And, one of the best things about the condo was that there was a bath tub! We only have a shower at home, and I knew June Apple would love a bath- which she did, every night! She was quite the little water bug, the ocean, the pool, the bath. I can't wait to get her into swim lessons!

I hope that these beach vacations turn into a family tradition. Amos and I both grew up going to the beach (either at a lake or ocean) with our families and I hope we can help create those some cherished memories with our kids. This year was the first of many!
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