See hows she's grown?

Here are the stats from her 4 month check-up:
Weight: 10 pounds, 4 ounces
Height: 23 inches
Head Circumference: 15.5 inches
Oh, and if you ever needed proof that life (and breast milk) is a miracle, look at the difference between June Apple at 3 weeks and 3 1/2 months, nearly double the weight:

Oh, and did I mention that she is THE CUTEST BABY I have ever seen? I've seen a lot, so that makes me an expert on the subject. I feel sorry for all my friends and family who have had babies. They must look at June Apple and think, "Huh. I'm kinda disappointed my kid wasn't that cute." Its hard to face the truth, I know. But there it is. The truth. Do you not agree?! Case in point:

I would have written more in the past 4 months, but I was on maternity leave...from the world. Yes, I still had to take two classes, but I was BLESSED with the opportunity to spend most of the past 4 months at home with June Apple and Amos. Since Amos works mostly at night, we got to spend so much of these precious first months all together, and we are so lucky! In the early weeks we watched all 6 seasons of The Sopranos and I started to channel Carmela Soprano, which was not so good. And we ate lots of yummy food brought to us by loving family and friends. There was a lot of dog licks and cat purrs. And we smiled at each other, because this. is. the. LIFE.
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