In one of my classes this past week, we began talking about what influences children's interests. Is it entirely the 'nurture' that leads children down certain paths...say toy trains, or the Republican Party? Or are children born with innate leanings that shapes them? I'm sure its both, as thats how the whole nature/nurture thing usually works. When I was pregnant with June Apple, Amos' number one worry was that she wouldn't be a musician. My number one concern is that she wouldn't be funny. Clearly these are two talents that have served Amos and me well. And, naturally, we would want any child of ours to possess such social lubricating talents as these (who doesn't LOVE a funny musician?) And now, as we watch Juju's personality and individuality emerge, it has become evident that she does love music and she does love to laugh, so its looking good on those fronts.
There is also another love of June Apple's that has emerged that seems to be so innate. Something that clearly brings her so, so much joy. Animals. Whenever an animal comes close to June she shrieks with delight. Amos comes from a long line of animal whisperers. You know the type of folk who can get chipmunks to eat from their hand in 3 minutes flat. So its no wonder, June Apple has seemingly inherited this gift. Amos and I both have grown up with many beloved animals in our lives and we absolutely plan on encouraging this love of June's. Perhaps she'll become a vet, or a primatologist, like Jane Goodall. Or maybe she'll be an animal hoarder. Who knows? In the meantime, we will nurture her nature as much as we can. Luckily, we have two animals that are very tolerant of her screeching and tough love. Other animals, like the guinea pig, Peeve, are not as tolerant.
I love Jane Goodall! I hope June is more like Jane and less of an animal hoarder... unless she hoards a gaggle of Peeves.
I love the picture where she is pulling Juliet's face back and Juliet is just laying there taking it :)
ReplyDeleteI hope my cats are so tolerant with my future kiddos!