Is it truly true?! I cannot believe Ms. June is 8 months! Wasn't she just 7 months yesterday?! This month she continues the fine art of cracking us up with her army crawls around the house and her funny faces and her toothy grin and her beautiful babble. Everyone and everything is "Dadada," even Dadada, himself. She thinks pureed baby food is for the birds (not to mention babies). But she is a big girl who likes green beans and carrots the way big girls eat them. Not to mention that she flips her shit when I shake the canister of rice puffs her direction (which, by the way, taste like mildly flavored, textured air) Lots of jumping and squealing insues. She sleeps with her butt in the air. With her arm wrapped around Sammy the Lamby. Oh, and she is obsessed with electrical cords. She can spot a cord from across the room and scoot there in 20 seconds flat. In a house full of cords, this is an issue. Right now, our temporary solution involves putting blankets and pillows over them, because, you know, thats really safe. Okay, we need a new child proofing plan, stat. Oh! And big news, June is sitting up, like a champ, just in time for the interventionist to come tomorrow morning. She'll probably tell me June Apple is a genius.

I can't believe she is 8 months already! She is really getting big. Have you guys tried the baby mum-mums? I bet she would love them! They are seriously like baby crack :)
ReplyDeleteI love your blog!!! June is beautiful!