Dear June Apple,
It is unfathomable to me that you have now officially been outside of my body longer than you were inside! These past 9 months went by so fast in a whirlwind of laughter and squeals (with a few tears thrown in). You continue to be so, so delicious. These days you are so close to crawling and you scoot all over the house and climb over Papa and me so you can get to Rosco, who still views you with a general wariness reserved for older brothers. Now that I am away long days for half the week, you move in closer and reach out for me, not wanting others to hold you. Once in my arms you strain to turn around a face the world, so eager to go go go! Wanting to hold on tight, but rarin' to run.
You seem to enjoy good food like me and I aim to make a foodie out of you yet. You savor each morsel, like its a truffle, even when its just a cherrio. You and Papa spend your days growling and prowling the neighborhood, as he pulls your stroller behind him with a rope so he can simultaneously wrangle the dog. You love bath time, especially when I flick water in your face (who, but you, likes this?!). You like to bend down and put your whole face in the water and blow bubbles until you sit up sputtering and laughing. People are always remarking on what a happy baby you are. And while you do have your moments of anger and frustration, you are, by and large, very happy. And what more could I ask for?
Your current stats at your 9 month doc visit were as follows:
Weight: 15 pounds, 14 ounces
Height: 28 inches
Head Circumference: 43 1/4 cm
Your weight holds steady in the tenth percentile while you shoot to the 75th percentile in height. SO basically, you're a super model. I can't believe you have grown 10 inches taller since you were born. Even when I was growing like a weed in early adolescence, I never grew 10 inches in 9 months. That's crazy talk! I hope it didn't hurt too much, and if it hurt and you cried, that Mama and Papa made it better.
I love you. I adore you. You remain to be, awesome.

She's a supermodel!!! And the smartest baby on the block...
ReplyDeletexo... miss you all!