The long weekend was spent with my DC women, preparing for the shower and talking about the womanly arts of pregnancy, birth and motherhood. I felt so enveloped by love and affection and renewed by the strength of their wisdom and humor. I am so lucky to have been blessed to have spent a life surrounded by such powerful, wonderful women, who continue to effect my life in such deep ways. I cannot wait to include my daughter into this loving family fold. My hope is that her life will also include such a wide community of strong, amazing women. Part of my duty as a mother, I believe, will be in insuring this.
Here are a few pics from the weekend:

Grandma Marianne, Mom, Janet, Gina, Emma, Me

Showered, again, with cuteness!

Clara and I

Mom, Gina, Emma and I
I am also grateful to Amos, for agreeing to let me drive up to Cincinnati for the weekend. He has been (understandably so) concerned that I could go into labor at any time, as I get closer to my due date, and in light of recent complications. Not wanting me to have the baby while in Cincinnati (again, understandably), he was hestitant to have me gone for so long. After promising not to have her while I was away (thankfully I was able to keep this promise), he felt okay about me going, as he knew how important the weekend was to me. I have been so filled with love for him these past months, as he continues to show what an amazing partner he is, full of care, concern, and the right amount of good humor to keep things real. I'm one lucky mama!
Clearly the high protein/high calorie diet is going to good use, cause this belly (as well as the rest of me) is poppin! We went back to see our midwife yesterday and, according to the ultrasound, Awesome has gained about 12 ounces in the past two weeks and looks great. She is still in the 10th percentile for her weight, but seems to be perfect in every way. Beth, our midwife said to just plan for a smaller baby, guessing that she will weigh, somewhere between 5 and 6 pounds if I carry her to 40 weeks (here's hoping!). So I guess I need to go out and pic up a few preemie outfits, as Beth thought she would drown in newborn sizes. Of course, the ultrasound could be wrong and she could be 7 pounds, so guess we'll just have to wait and see. But, the high calorie/high protein diet must continue, so that we both can pack on the pounds and beef this baby up!
The proof is in the pudding (and milkshakes) in this pic for week 36:
Dear Little Bear,
Did you enjoy all the love and affection you received over the weekend? There were so many loving hands on my belly who are excited to hold you!
You have been moving a lot, as usual, and this week have started getting the hiccups late at night. I had the hiccups a lot when I was in my mama's belly. I hope they don't annoy you too much. I think they are pretty darn cute!
Papa and I got to see you again yesterday on the ultrasound. As soon as your face came in to view you stuck your tongue out at us! I hope that this display of behavior is an indication of your silliness to come, because Papa and I are huge endorsers of silliness. Your cheeks looked chubbier this week and your face is really starting to look like a baby's (before, sorry to say it, you kind of resembled an alien). I promise not to pinch those cheeks (or let others) too much, because that is really annoying.
This past week we were showered with so many wonderful gifts and I am finally starting to feel like we may just be "ready" for you. We even got a Little Bear suit, that you will look so cute in once you are big enough. I think if we put you in it when you are born it may look like a bear is swallowing you, and we don't want that!
Papa and I anticipate your familiarity and are eager for your newness.
Papa and I love you very much.
You're getting so close! So exciting. Good luck if I don't talk to you before the labor, I'm sure it will be just perfect. Just FYI - Beckett was 6lb 5oz at birth and got down to about 5lb 12oz in the days after and he fit into Newborn sizes well.