2:30 am: Amos to me, in bed, amidst a pile of babies, dog, and cat:
"We are so rich. Lying in a bed of gold or diamonds could not top this."
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
18 weeks and counting
So, I feel like I am clawing and crawling my way to the end of the semester this week, trying to get through, so I can commit more time to studying for comps. And needless to say, I am so brain dead from writing papers, I don't feel like I have much to say this week In the meantime, here I am at 18 weeks, along with an even more adorable picture of June Apple and her new friend.
Dear Baby Bear,
When I was pregnant with your sister, all I wanted to eat was fruit. Couldn't get enough of it, especially berries and apples (name choice a complete coincidence). This time around all you seem to be asking for is anything sour, pickled, fermented and vinegary- sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles (I know, a cliche), dilly beans, pepperocini, salads with Italian dressing (especially Olive Garden salads). So what does this all mean? I think it means you'll like to spice it up and take the road less traveled. That you'll like to kick it up a notch and go out on a limb when you need to. Or maybe you'll just like pickles. But we are not naming you Penny or Peter Pickle. No worries there.
I love you more than sauerkraut and kimchi,
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
When I was 17...
Its been a crazy week of final papers, finishing up my practicum (yay! no more two hour commutes!) and running after June Bug. June Apple had her 15 month appointment this week and while her height and head are in the 50th percentile, her weight lands her in the 6th ( a jump from the 3rd!). The doctor was really happy that she had gained nearly two pounds over the past 3 months, and grown and inch and a half. But she suggested I start giving her Carnation Essentials Instant Breakfast, mixed with her milk to bulk her up. Argh. While I don't mind finding healthy ways to increase her caloric intake (avocados, olive oil, yoghurt, etc...) I am not going to give her some sugary drink powder with God knows what kind of crap fillers just so that she can gain weight. Plus, I know what percentiles mean, and I am not overly concerned about June gaining weight so that she can be more like the 'average' American toddler. I want her to be strong and healthy and eat tasty foods that are good for her and give her an appreciation of eating and feeling good. Anyone who meets her knows that she is healthy and happy, with lots of energy. So, Carnation gets a big thumbs down.
In other news, here I am at 17 weeks. Hello, pregnant lady! Where did that belly come from?! Its strange because I feel like I am bigger this time around than with June Apple, but since I started off this pregnancy weighing less, my maternity pants are still loose around my waist. Probably not for long! Not as sharp of a pic as I would like, my friend Emily took this on her phone and it was an especially bright day....
Dear Baby Bear,
You are quite the little jumping bean! You kick me all the time, day and night, and I bet this is only a hint of whats to come! I think its your way of letting me know you are there when I get distracted by the antics of your big sister. June Apple likes to blow raspberries on my tummy, which probably sounds pretty crazy to you. I am sure that you hear her laughing when she does this. I am guessing the two of you will have lots of laughs together!
Your Papa thinks you are going to be a big big baby because you kick so much, but I think its because you are feisty already. Well, you'll fit right in with us, for sure! Big or small, I love getting to know you already.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Family Expansion
And so here we are again, full on gestation! This time around we were caught a little by surprise, but we are excited nonetheless! We actually discovered the exciting news on June Apple's 1st birthday, when I took a test on a whim before we went out to dinner for wine and sushi- no wine and sushi for me... Truthfully, I thought that something might be up, as I had been feeling like I was on an emotional roller coaster (as Amos can attest!) and nursing June Apple had become really painful. So, needless to say all clues pointed in one direction. As exciting as finding out was, I have to say, I definitely had an , "Oh shit...." moment, when I looked at the year ahead and realized, okay, between now and when I deliver this little bundle, I have to take my comprehensive exams and propose my dissertation and run around after a toddler. Egads. Well, truth be told many more have faced much more overwhelming circumstances with a lot fewer resources, so I have to keep it all in perspective. Its gonna be a wild ride, no doubt, but with so much love and support from family and friends, I know we'll make it through the madness.
So, here we are, and I'm already at the 4 month mark! Amos was marveling the other day about the difference between this pregnancy and my pregnancy with June Apple. With JA, it seemed like it was all we could think about, and this time around, well, we've got a lot of things going on around here! Of course, I am always thinking about this little sweet pea, but we've got another bigger tornado in the form of a 15 month old, that keeps us on our toes and running. But this little one is definitely making their presence known! One of the awesome things about being pregnant a second time is that I know what a kick feels like, and this one is a kicker! I didn't recognize June Apple's kicks until I was about 22 weeks pregnant with her, so its exciting to feel this baby movin' and shakin' even sooner. Amos thinks its because this baby is going to be HUGE, and that we should just go ahead and name them Moose (let the naming wars begin!) I think they just want to make sure we know they are there and ready to party!! So, here I am at 16 weeks. Apparently many women show earlier in the second pregnancies because, well, I guess my ab muscles are already stretched and wrecked from the first time around. I'm not sure if I am that much bigger, although in this pic I do certainly look pregnant!

So those are the basics for now, gotta run because I see that June is playing with a Sharpie. More updates to come!
Monday, April 9, 2012
Big news...
So, we've been kinda keeping something on the down low for a few months....
Mama's due with #2! September, 24, 2012
Thursday, April 5, 2012
The past couple months
Ahhh! I have been neglecting posts and updates as life has been a little busy with lots of life related adventures. To say that I am busy is a bit of an understatement right now....between school, internship, work, and most importantly, June Apple and Amos, well life is crazy. And on top of it all I am trying to squeak in time to study for my upcoming doctoral comprehensive exams on May 15th, 16th and 17th. My test anxiety about what will be the most important exams of my school career comes and goes, and I credit being wrapped up in the other more important aspects of my life (i.e. motherhood) for keeping a lot of my anxiety at bay. The truth is, I don't have a lot of time to sit around and stress about it. Unfortunately, that means I also don't have a lot of time to sit around and....well, study. Amos, friends and family have been great at pitching in when they can, so that I can get a couple of hours of studying in, here and there, but the truth is, I feel the bulk of my studying, make that, cramming, is ahead of me yet. Of course, in an ideal world, I would study during June Apple's naps and after she falls asleep, but these days, I find myself, well, sleeping during her naps, and not able to stay up much later than her. Sleeping and June is a whole other post.....
June Apple is crawling around like a mad woman. In fact these days she does most things like a mad woman. Amos thinks she thinks she is a dog, because now when someone knocks at the door she barks, like Rosco. In fact she barks quite a lot. Its her favorite animal sound. Often she wakes up and the first sound out of her mouth is a bark. For the record, she can also, meow, moo, growl like a bear, and make monkey sounds (whatever those are called). She also says, "Kitty" "Puppy" "Da" (for down and done) "Papa" "Baby" "Bye" and "Baba" (which is what she calls me, no Mama yet). I don't see walking right around the corner, although she does cruise along furniture like a champ. I am not really worries bout this, as I don't really see many adults still crawling, unless they're drunk. June Apple has always done things in her own way and time and walking will come to her when she's good and ready. Her current favorite foods include bananas, cheddar bunnies and blueberry pancakes. We've been taking swim classes, which reminds me that she also can make a fish noise (or at least the noise I made up and called it a fish noise). She loves going under water and the biggest thing I am working on is getting her to wait for me to be ready to catch her before she jumps face first into the water from the side of the pool.
Everyday it becomes more and more apparent that she is a fierce, adventurous, independent, amazing girl. Sometimes, I look at her and I'm like, "Oh, wow, she is going to put us through the ringer!" and other days, I think, "Oh, wow, she is going to stop at nothing to change the universe." Both are true and I am so excited to see it happen.
June Apple is crawling around like a mad woman. In fact these days she does most things like a mad woman. Amos thinks she thinks she is a dog, because now when someone knocks at the door she barks, like Rosco. In fact she barks quite a lot. Its her favorite animal sound. Often she wakes up and the first sound out of her mouth is a bark. For the record, she can also, meow, moo, growl like a bear, and make monkey sounds (whatever those are called). She also says, "Kitty" "Puppy" "Da" (for down and done) "Papa" "Baby" "Bye" and "Baba" (which is what she calls me, no Mama yet). I don't see walking right around the corner, although she does cruise along furniture like a champ. I am not really worries bout this, as I don't really see many adults still crawling, unless they're drunk. June Apple has always done things in her own way and time and walking will come to her when she's good and ready. Her current favorite foods include bananas, cheddar bunnies and blueberry pancakes. We've been taking swim classes, which reminds me that she also can make a fish noise (or at least the noise I made up and called it a fish noise). She loves going under water and the biggest thing I am working on is getting her to wait for me to be ready to catch her before she jumps face first into the water from the side of the pool.
Everyday it becomes more and more apparent that she is a fierce, adventurous, independent, amazing girl. Sometimes, I look at her and I'm like, "Oh, wow, she is going to put us through the ringer!" and other days, I think, "Oh, wow, she is going to stop at nothing to change the universe." Both are true and I am so excited to see it happen.
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