So, this week we go on vacation! Amos left about a week before us, and was kind enough to take all of our luggage down to Florida with him. Last year we all drove together, and in my memory, June Apple cried nearly 70 percent of the hellish 15 hours we were in the car. I was not going through that again! Her car threshold maxes out as about 1 1/2 hours. Plus, the idea of riding in the car, as pregnant as I am, for that long, sounded pretty awful. So, with our midwives blessing, I decided to fly down. Since Amos had taken all of our stuff with him, all I really needed to bring was what we might need en route on the plane, a stroller, and her car seat (the latter two I was able to check- for free!). I scoured the blogosphere, as well as asked my friends with babies who were seasoned flyers, for tips on how to keep a toddler happy in my diminishing lap for the two, 1 1/2 hour flights we would be taking to get there and back. Below is a picture of everything I was able to cram in to a backpack, the contents of which included: snacks for both of us, a change of clothes for both of us, books, a mini-magnadoodle, my laptop, my iPhone, plenty of diapers and wipes, my purse, June's loveys, my purse, various toiletries in case of emergency, a sippy cup for JA and a water bottle for me. Whew! I can't believe I got it all in! And needless to say, we used much of what I packed.

June Apple was an awesome travel buddy and we had lots of fun running around the terminal looking at planes and practicing her new walking skills.
On the planes, albeit a bit cramped with her long body and my big belly, we did pretty well. The biggest hits that kept her occupied included the magnadoodle, books, and my iPhone. Of course, she thoroughly enjoyed chatting with all the fellow passengers and charming everyone with her endless wit. She even managed to get a few winks here and there!
So we landed safely in Florida, we eagerly met up with Amos who we had missed dearly in our week apart, and we hit the road heading straight for the beach! Smooth sailing (or flying) for June Apple's first trip through the friendly skies.
Although not the greatest picture, taken before bed on night, here I am, 34 weeks and counting....look at the belly! There is a baby in there!
Dear Baby Bear,
I can't wait to take you on adventures with us. Your Papa and I have always had the travel bug and we hope that someday, perhaps soon, we can all go on fun trips, not only to the beach, but to far and away places that peak your curiosity and fill you with a love for trying new foods and peeking around new corners and meeting new people and seeing things you never thought possible. I can't wait to be along for the ride with you and try and see the new world through your eyes!
You Papa, June Apple and I love you very much.
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