Let the vacationing begin! Last week, June Bug and I were recovering from a nasty bout of the stomach bug, all thanks to some infectious little rug rat at a bridal shower we went to (all the kids and one, unlucky pregnant lady) got sick. Amos left us a couple days ago to make his way down to Florida, with all of our vacation gear, and June Apple and I will fly down to meet him later this week. I had originally made our plans thinking that I couldn't take the time off of my internship, but as the time grew near, I realized, with Amos gone, I wouldn't have anyone to watch June during said internship, so I had to take the time off anyway! Kind of a bummer because I would've gone to Florida much earlier, but it is what it is, and our tickets couldn't be changed. AH well. I'll just soak up the special one on one time with June Apple, before her little brother joins us. It also means a week of single parenthood, which is TIRING! Big props to all those single moms and dads out there! Here are some pics from our week thus far:
So, June Apple and I are spending our days lying around, running errands to prep for our trip, and eating tons of fruit (see picture above). I've also had to squeeze in time to work on the first chapter of my dissertation in prep for a meeting this week, along with prepping for a human development class I am teaching in the fall. How perfect to be pregnant/birthing a baby and teaching human development. I am sure all my 18 year old freshman students will appreciate how perfect it is. Perhaps I will treat them with a video of the birth. Good times ahead!
June Apple and I will take our first flight together this week, so check back for an update on how we survived that. I didn't buy her a seat, since she is young enough to fly for free, if she sits on my (diminished) lap. Fingers crossed the flight attendants feel sorry for us and move us to business class.....
Above is a picture from week 33. Week 32's picture didn't happen in the wake of the stomach flu. trust me. It wouldn't have been pretty.
Dear Baby Bear,
I really hope you weren't feeling sick when I was last week. You certainly were flipping around a lot, which is all at once comforting and sickening, when Mama has the stomach flu.
After Papa left for Florida, your sister and I went to the grocery store to buy food for the week. When I got to the checkout, I realized I had 10 pounds of fruit (no kidding) and a couple gallons of milk. Baby Bear, you have been all about the natural sweetness these days that fruit brings. I take it as a beautiful sign of whats to come.
The days are getting closer....
Your Papa, June Apple and I love you very much.
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