Awesome is quite the little mover and shaker! Get this girl started and she just keeps going! This week she has found it especially charming to dance around at 3 in the morning and jump up and down on my bladder. She is clearly already inheriting her father's complete disregard for normal sleep habits. She and I are going to have to have a little chat. According to, Awesome gulps down several ounces of amniotic fluid every day, both for hydration and nutrition and to practice swallowing and digesting. And, these days, those taste buds actually work! Studies show that after birth, babies are most interested in tastes they've already experienced through amniotic fluid. This means the more garlicky and spicy foods I eat, the better it will be for her expansive palate in the future. Bring on the Indian food! Awesome is also, apparently, the length of a banana, or a 12 oz beer bottle, in Dude terms.

So here is the requisite week 21 picture:

The waitress at the pizza place over the weekend asked me when I was due, so I guess I definitely look pregnant now. That, or she saw how fervently I attacked the all-you-can eat pizza buffet.Amos and I have been playing the name game lately, now that we know a little more about Ms. Awesome. Several nights Amos has tried to prevent me from going to bed (even though it was well after midnight and we had been discussing it for hours) in order to discuss this heavy undertaking. Of course, any real considerations will be kept mum until the big birthday announcement. This is very serious business! What a huge responsibility to give someone a name that will follow them for the rest of their lives (unless she changes it later in life to something like Whoopi Goldberg, to make herself more movie star billable). Amos would like to choose a name that will destine her to be a famous writer or cowgirl or musician. I'm okay with that, as long as I can imagine hearing, "Do you White Lightnin' Hopkins swear to uphold the Constitution of the United States." as she is being sworn in as a Supreme Court Justice or President of the United States and not cringing. I just want it to be versatile, so she could really be anything and have a name to go with it. How do parents do this?! Its such a commitment, a name. Of course, whatever her name is, she will undoubtedly make it her own. I know that she will make her name work for her, no matter what it is, because she is, inherently Awesome.
In terms of avoiding teasing, there is only so much we can do. Okay sure, we won't name her Mademoiselle Picklebottom or, as one baby name book actually suggested, Madicken (Really?!). And we probably won't include Chainsaw in her moniker. But in truth, unless we name her something like Mary or Lisa, any name may be open to a tease now or then. I guess it will also be our job as parents to raise her with a healthy sense of self to stand up to that silly playground nonsense. We could go the family name route, or I could name her Bonnie, after my favorite musician (don't think so). We would like to give her a name that she probably won't come across in her life. Take my name, Katy. Katys and Katies are a dime a dozen. Of course, I actually really like my name and don't mind that I have about 15 friends named Katie. Several of them are actors. Several of them are redheads. And one friend spells her name Katy, is an actor and has red hair. She's shorter than me though, so people rarely confuse us. Its a small Katy world. The truth is, nearly every Katy/Katie I have ever met are pretty rockin' strong women. So no complaints here. Amos likes having a name that few others seem to have. Amos has met only one other Amos in his life and he was Amish and the largest producer of onion rings in the country. Plus Amos rhymes with Famous, which has served him well. So, needless to say this naming business is a big deal. We did decide that we would come up with a short list and when we meet her and spend a little time with her, then we will choose a name which fits her best. Thank goodness we have roughly 4 and a half more months to narrow it down.
Dear Little Bear,
Papa and I both dreamt about you this week. I dreamt you had dark red curly hair and chubby cheeks. Papa dreamt that while you were in my belly, you pressed your hand against my skin so we could see your hand perfectly. Then you did the same thing with your foot and then your face. He said you looked pretty cute, even through my belly skin.
We are working very hard to come up with a good name for you. I hope you like it, for at least most of the time. We will try do our best to honor your spirit and make a path for a legacy that you will undoubtedly blaze.
Tonight you let me know you REALLY wanted a burger, so I did my best to honor your request by seeking out what Louisvillian's deem the BEST burger in town. It was very yummy, plus I especially enjoyed the self-serve toppings bar, where I loaded up on about a pound of assorted pickles. Yummy. Good idea, Little Bear.
Papa and I love you very much. We can't wait to meet you.
Love, Mama
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