Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hey you! I see you!

We got to see our precious bundle this week! We got to count all of the important body parts and organs, including the ones we were most curious about, and the verdict is...a healthy baby BOY! Amos was literally jumping around the ultrasound office for joy, with June Apple in his arms. I cried tears of joy, just to see his face and his little body. I feel so incredibly blessed. Words do not suffice. Amos made the ultrasound tech verify several times and she seemed annoyed that we were questioning her expertise at knowing what boy parts look like (we didn't know what we were looking at!) So, even though she showed us several times, and went so far as to circle and place strategic arrows, we are still, well, taking her word for it. But, so exciting, none the less. Baby Boy was rolling and tumbling the whole time, perhaps as excited to say hello to us, as we were to say hello to him.

We are very happy to know that he is healthy and doing well. And the fact that he is a boy, well, that is awesome, too. I was excited at the prospect of a boy or a girl, but now that we know, I can really get excited about all the possibilities. I know so many awesome little boys (and men), so I am excited to see who this guy becomes. 

Comps is less than a week away and shit is getting REAL. So I really need to stop writing this post and go figure out how to explain causal inference in a quasi-experimental design. Don't ask. I don't have a clue. But I better.

Here's the pic from this week. Although I am jutting out my belly, I do have to say, there is no denying or hiding this pregnancy.
Dear Baby Bear,

I was so happy to see you and get to know you a little bit this week! Papa is already making big plans for you and is very excited to take you hunting, fishing and do all of his man things with him. Of course, if you don't want to do those things, I am sure you will finds lots of adventures to do together. 

I sometimes worry that my stress from my exams is affecting you, or that you can sense it, so I am trying very, very hard to stay relaxed. Hopefully you will be cool as a cucumber and relaxed, especially next week when I have to take the test for 13 hours. Maybe your relaxation will rub off on me. I have to say, helping you stay relaxed is a huge motivator for me not to get too stressed out.

Keep grooving (just not so hard on my bladder)

Your Papa, Big Sister, and I love you very much.


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