I had an another awesome weekend that got off to a great
start with the 2nd Annual Dirty Thirty Film Festival. We set up the
projector in the backyard and friends came over to watch The Last Waltz
and Beetlejuice. We set up a candy bar complete with all the movie
theater favorites, along with popcorn. I was so happy that so many of my
great friends here in The Ville could come, including Angela, who drove
in from Bloomington. I do love the movies, especially in the backyard!
Jo and Emily tweet about how awesome the party is.
Rachel and Chrissy fill up on sweets before the movie starts
Juju and Chuck share laugh about how ridiculous bi-partisan bickering has become.
Good birthday times with my main man.
The next morning Amos, Angela, June Apple and I enjoyed the Douglass Loop Famers Market. I love that place! Its no Findlay Market (my favorite spot in Cincinnati), but it has all the elements of good, clean fun- great food, great music, and excellent folks. And, June Apples are in season!
That night, my freshman college roommate, Cheyanne drove through town with her husband, Michael, on their cross-country move from NYC to LA. Of course we had to show them a Kentucky Good Time by taking them to night racing at Churchill Downs (accompanied by Thomas, Rachel and Chrissy). I looked longingly as everyone enjoyed their mint juleps and didn't bet, as I'm not a betting gal.
Chasing June Bug around is all at once distracting and, increasingly, tiring as my body starts to really slow down and feel the literal weight of Our Boy. Carrying her up stairs and picking her up out of her car seat is getting harder and I recently had to replace the baby gate in our living room with a shorter one, because my foot kept tripping up on the taller one when I would sling my leg over it. When I pick up her toys I try to do it quickly because bending over cuts off my air supply. Egads, I still have3 1/2 months to go! Anyhoo, here I am at 24 weeks, in an awkward stance:
Dear Baby Bear,
Your Mama is taking advantage of the energy she has to run around having fun, with good friends and family. I am trying to imagine what you will be like and how you will fit into our family. I know you will find your own place and make your presence known, as you already are!
I asked your sister where her baby brother was this morning and she lifted up my shirt and pat my belly and then gave you a big ol' kiss. Yesterday I asked her the same thing and she pat her own belly. I know she may not quite understand how important you are going to be in her life now, but I can't wait to see what pals you'll be soon!
Our midwife said you are lying sideways this week, and by the feel of it, you flip and turn every which way, every day! I hope you feel like you have enough room, and if not, can make some! Then again, I guess part of what will convince you to come on out of there is running out of room. So I take it back, don't get tooooooo comfy. I would like to see you face to face in a few months!
We love you so so so much,
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