Saturday, June 30, 2012

27 weeks

Just a brief post, because its 105 degrees out, which makes me not want to do anything but lie around and eat watermelon in the air conditioning. I had a crazy month long summer course, which is finally over, which means now its time to get serious about working on my dissertation....oh, Lordy.

In other news, I had an annoyingly crappy experience the other day, while waiting at a stop light, the semi truck in front of me decided to back up, disregarding the fact that I was behind him and crashed right into me, pushing me back ten yards! I was leaning on the horn the whole time and then he stopped, only to go in reverse again! Oh, and then he ran the red light and looked as if he was going to flee the scene, but luckily, he didn't. Thankfully, June Apple was not with me at the time, and beyond some damage to the car, I was not hurt at all. I did go ahead and go to the doc to get checked out, and all was well with both the the baby and me. So, now all I have to deal with is the insurance and car repairs. Boo. Its okay, I've got lots of spare time.....

Dear Baby Bear,

We had quite the week with our bumper car adventure! I hope it was more fun for you than it was for me. The upside was getting to hear your heart beat and hear you kicking around on the monitor. You've been really active around 4 every morning, kicking and flipping, and if you keep that up, we are going to have to have a serious conversation once we meet face to face in a few short months!

Your Grams bought you some new duds this week, making your upcoming arrival all the more real. Its hard to believe you will fit into such tiny clothes. I just cannot wait to snuggle you and breathe you in.

Your Papa, June Apple and I love you very much,


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