I always planned to breastfeed our children, after lugging around my ridiculously large jugs for half my life- I certainly was looking forward to putting them to excellent use! Of all three major tenets of attachment parenting (breastfeeding, babywearing, bedsharing), breastfeeding was the one that was MOST important to me. As some of you may have read in my earlier posts, when June Apple was born, I relied heavily on the support of a wonderful lactation consultant, as well as friends and family, to make sure that she and I both got off to a great start. It was rough at first, because she was so small and she was tongue-tied, but once we got going, we've never looked back! As a low-birth weight baby, I knew how important breastmilk was to her health and brain development. In fact low birth weight babies benefit the MOST from breastmilk, compared to all other babies. I wanted to help my little Squirrel Girl however I could, and I am sooo grateful I had this natural, built-in food source that was so valuable to her. June Apple has been very healthy thus far, enjoying those immunity building benefits, no doubt. Not to mention that I love the special bonding time we've shared!
When I got pregnant with Baby Bear, June Apple was about a year and I wasn't ready to wean her quite yet. According to my midwife, there was no reason for me to stop nursing her, so we forged on. I did end up night-weaning her early in my pregnancy, because I needed the extra sleep. She adjusted well after a couple rough nights, and now only usually nurses before bed and naps. Looking back over the course of this pregnancy, there have certainly been times that nursing her has been painful, or physically irritating, because of my increased hormone levels. However, one of the huge benefits of nursing her is that I have been forced to lie down and rest several times a day to nurse her- providing a MUCH needed break. I know myself well enough to know, with everything going on right now, I would not have been likely to take the time to rest like this otherwise. I am unsure about what it will be like once Baby Bear arrives, but I am sure we will figure it out and I will be sure to report on how it all goes. In the meantime, June Apple sure does love her "Mama Milt" (her words).
Here is my pic from week 30. This picture doesn't capture nearly how miserably hot its been. Note to all the future pregnant ladies out there- try and be pregnant over the winter!

Dear Baby Bear,
I hope that when you come along it will be cooler than it has been lately. Many say this is the hottest summer they can remember. Will next summer be hotter? Who knows? Just be grateful that you've been able to spend this summer in a climate controlled mama-belly, and not out here sweatin' with the rest of us. Of course, your body acts like an little internal combustion engine, keeping me additionally toasty! Here's to cooler days and nights ahead!
Your Papa, big sister and I love you very much,
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