Rosco lies awake and contemplates the meaning of life and I sleep. Sweet, sweet, slumber. I take it where I can.
Remind me why I decided that it would be a good idea to take all the classes I had been dreading (multivariate statistics, anyone?) this semester before Awesome comes. I know, I know, that it will all be worth it two weeks from now when its all over and I am basking in the holiday glory of the semester being over, but now- UGH. The truth is I have been ready for this semester to be over before midterms. Of course, I'm sure the impending arrival of our sweet girl doesn't help me stay focus. I am TRYING to be in the moment and get everything done, but I'm just so....over it. Here is a picture, week 30, of what finals does to me:
Speaking of class, Amos (also known as the Greatest Husband On Earth), we have been to two birthing classes so far and Amos has only said, "Oh my fucking God" under his breath once! And that was only after the teacher asked us if we knew what "birth fairies" were. Apparently there are birth fairies, who come and visit women in childbirth and throw a kink in everything. Huh. Who knew? Now we do. Apparently, I am also a "birth warrior" who has permission to "howl like a wolf" whenever I feel the urge! Okay, so the class can be a bit out there sometimes. And we have to sit on the floor the entire two hours, because birth is uncomfortable and we should be prepared for that. But, we are learning some good stuff, and the teacher is a midwife who clearly knows what she's talking about when it comes to labor and birth. And I am glad we are taking the class. And I am thankful that Amos is coming with me. And that he calls me his "Little Birth Warrior" now. I am woman, hear me howl!
Dear Little Bear,
I am getting so excited for school to be over in a couple weeks so I can start getting the house ready for your arrival! Right now we don't even have a place for your clothes, let alone your little body! So we've got some rearranging and purging to do. We've got so many great friends and family who have been offering and showering us with so many things to get ready for you. We already have a crib, a bassinet, a swing, lots of sweet clothes, and a cradle made by your Papaw that your Papa slept in when he was a little bear!
You kicked my ribs today and it hurt. Be careful, okay? Mama loves you, but I also love my body and would like it not be bruised. I promise to do more stretching in the coming in weeks, so that you feel like you have more room in there. But go easy on the ribs.
Papa and I love you very much.
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