Aha, There You Are! You're Perfect For The Job. Let's Get This Party Started.

So, there are many reasons why I know Amos will be an excellent father. Some of them obvious, some of them a bit more subtle and all of them rooted in what started as a gut feeling and grew into a deep faith that he was the one who would help me to be the best human, not to mention woman and mother, I could ever possibly dream of being. We are already a great team. And he stands on his own as an excellent human. And while I know he is scared shitless and overwhelmed at the prospect of fatherhood, I know he's going to be phenomenal.
One of the early indicators of Amos' innate daddy skills has to do with the relationship he has with the child he already parents, Rosco P. Coltrane. Below is a story I wr0te about them about 5 years ago. I knew back then...
The Grand Adventures of Rosco and Amos
This is Amos.
This is Rosco.
Amos and Rosco are the very best of friends.
They love to be cool.
They love to sleep.
Rosco misses Amos when he cannot take a nap with him. Amonster, the teddy bear, is no substitute for Amos.
They love to dance.
They love to dress in silly costumes.

Sometimes Amos asks Rosco to dress up as a fairy or a sunflower. Rosco is so comfortable with his manhood, that he doesn't feel the slightest bit emasculated.
They also love Findlay Market. Amos plays the fiddle, while Rosco flirts with the ladies.

Amos loves to play music. Especially for Rosco.
Rosco loves it when Amos plays the fiddle. But sometimes his ears get tired.
Amos has lots of interesting friends.
So does Rosco.
This is the love of Rosco's life, Juliette Binoche. She is a French movie star.
This is the love of Amos's life, Katy. She wishes she was a French movie star.
Katy loves Rosco, too.
He gives her the best kisses. They are not, however, as nice as Amos's
Katy is so happy Amos introduced her to Rosco. She thinks Amos and Rosco are the best.
Amos and Rosco are a match made in Heaven.
Amos has shown me many truths but none as important to me now as how the love of an animal can pull you through some real bad times. Thanks Amos and Roscoe from the bottom of our hearts.
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