Telling the future grandparents
Okay, so if you have reached a certain age and commitment level in your life I'm sure you have, at some point, heard this phrase: "When are you going to give me a grandchild?" I found out I was pregnant my birthday weekend, which presented a perfect opportunity to tell our parents, several of who were coming to town for my birthday. We thought it would be a good idea to wrap up the pregnancy test in a box and show it to our folks under the guise of, 'look what Amos got me for my birthday!' Of course we did not consider that neither of Amos's parents have ever seen a positive pregnancy test. I guess they don't watch television or live in this century, but needless to say, what was supposed to lead to immediate screaming and jumping up and down, led to confusion. Amos' dad- who we had given him the box with the test inside, along with a couple cigars, as a Father's Day gift, thought we had given him a rectal thermometer. That is a terrible Father's Day gift, what kind of children would give their father that?! He even went as far as to take the cap off the test and poke the end that I had recently peed on. Okay, time to tell him what it is, because I don't think he's going to guess... So whats the moral of this story, even if your parents have been waiting anxiously for the news that you are with child, just tell them, don't torture them into confusion.
A pregnancy test
A rectal thermometer
P. S. While looking for stock photos of rectal thermometers I discovered that you can buy Sponge Bob and Hello Kitty rectal thermometers. Somehow I can't imaging that telling a child, "Don't worry honey, this won't be scary or awkward at all, I'm just going to stick Sponge Bob up your butt for a few minutes" will really fly with kids, but to each her own. At least the Pooh themed rectal thermometer made a 'little' more sense..


I'd make that face too.
I would like to second that statement: SpongeBob does not belong up the bunghole, people.